Donation Forms

Coupons, PayPal settings

Create or edit a PayPal or Stripe feed
To create or edit a PayPal or Stripe feed for your donation form, click on a single form from the Forms list, select the Settings tab at the top, and click ...
Tue, 26 Dec, 2023 at 8:18 AM
Change Donate Button Text or Image
To highlight the Donate button area of your form, you can change the text or add an image. Select Settings tab when editing an individual Form and scroll do...
Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 at 12:15 PM
Updating the PDF Thank You/Receipt Letter Body
1. Go to Forms 2. Find your donation form > hover over Settings > select PDF 3. There should be one letter for One Time Donations and anot...
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 at 10:03 PM
Updating the PDF Thank You/Receipt Letter Signature Block
1. Go to Forms 2. Find your donation form > hover over Settings > select PDF 3. There should be one letter for One Time Donations and anot...
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 at 10:08 PM