
Broadcast’s most important feature, is its ability to link posts to each other. When linking is enabled all posts are updated with the same data, without requiring the same, repetitive manual editing.

Post edit meta box

Broadcast uses a parent / child paradigm: when a post is broadcasted – and linked – it becomes a parent post to one or more child posts. Each parent can have one child post per blog.

If you broadcast a post without linking it will just create a duplicate post on each selected blog. If you republish the post without linking it will create another duplicate.

Posts can be unlinked from each other using the bulk actions in the post overview.

The bulk actions

If your page is under another page, and you wish to keep the same hierarchy on the child blog, ensure that the parent page is broadcasted before broadcasting the current page. Broadcast will see that the parent page has a child page on the child blog and place the broadcasted page in its correct place.